Grow with us
Saving accounts in banks lose out because of inflation and with low FD rates, you roughly make 4% to 8% a year
Investing in property is great if you hold it over a long period of time (probably 10+ years), it may yield 12 to 18% per year. Real estate investments are very illiquid in nature as well. Rental yields are roughly around 3 to 6% a year on investment with lot of management overhead.
Investing in Stock Markets with an expert can grow wealth exponentially, last year (2020-2021) we made returns of about 80%
Leading authorities on wealth management advice making your money work for you. Passive Income is the path to an early retirement and fulfilling all those dreams.
we deploy AI based direction neutral strategies, these type of algorithms don't try to predict direction of markets.
A basket of uncorrelated strategies which gives portfolio effect and balance out each other in different market movements.
In-built stop losses to protect the capital in case of any unexpected market events
All our algorithms have a maximum of 10% drawdown, after which they will stop trading.
Complete transparency as trades are done in customer's broker account. Daily profit / loss is completely visible to the customer.
Profit sharing on net profits after cost, we only make money if you make money, period.
Capital is fully liquid and can be withdrawn on one day notice.
Investor dashboard which provides 360 degree analytics on your daily profits and losses.
Month end reports in detailed format are sent to your email
No action is needed from client on a day to day basis, its fully automated (create time for those things you always wanted to do but never had the time to)
We are a data driven startup and like to track a lot of metrics. If it moves, we track it. Sometimes we'll draw a graph of something that isn't moving yet, just in case it decides to make a run for it
Minimum investment amount : Rs 50 Lakh
Account with a Broker: contact us to help you set this up
A desire to sit back and relax while your money works for you